An inclusive workshop with up to six individuals. Participants are assessed on their presentational skills and given suggestions for improvement as well as being assigned a reading to deliver to the group. The workshop typically lasts for three hours with a break for lunch and will be rounded off with a HR catch up in the last half an hour.

prices start
at £600


A one-on-one workshop where issues, worries or difficulties are addressed with in-depth guidance. Specialist techniques will be introduced to help the individual overcome their presentational hang-ups, with a view to apply these in their day-to-day role going forward. Workshops can last from one to three hours.

AT £200ph


A specialised workshop focusing on an individual that has been recommended by their company. Areas for improvement and key tools for progress are the focus of the workshop and individuals will be coached on confidence in delivery and improving interpersonal skills. Sessions end with a mock presentation before inviting the HR Manager in for a sum up.

workshops are
2-4 hours