Nicky Margolis Presentations is all about helping you find your inner confidence. We offer group, individual and bespoke sessions for anyone wanting to improve their presentational skills and make a difference to the way they approach delivery, speech and communication on a day-to-day basis. Click on any of the below options for more details or get in touch for custom requests.


An inclusive workshop with up to six individuals where participants are assessed and taught techniques for improvement.


A one-on-one workshop where issues, worries or difficulties are addressed with in-depth guidance.


A specialised workshop focusing on an individual that has been recommended by their company. 
Areas for improvement and key tools for progress are the focus of the workshop. 


Nicky Margolis is a professional actor and accredited accountant. From a young age the professional stage beckoned, and after his first engagement with the theatre he obtained an Equity card and an agent.

After completing a post-graduate course at RADA, Nicky then went into repertory, musical theatre, commercials, television drama and presenting on young adults’ TV. His accolades include commercials in Europe for Pringles, Bloomberg TV, Gaggia and Skoda, as well as owning a theatre company, producing and directing 4-star plays for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

On the accountancy side of things, Nicky has worked in the capacity of finance in the advertising, fashion and healthcare industries for various marketing and PR companies, eventually joining David Morley Architects in 2004 to evaluate the financial system and make recommendations to the partners. Whilst there, he was asked by the partners if he could help associates with pitch presentations and general presentational skills. He soon started very successful workshops which saw the birth of Nicky Margolis Presentations.

Nicky’s successful workshops provide an intimate balance of understanding peoples’ anxieties and shortcomings with presenting. Participants will learn basic skills and techniques to help them overcome the issues, making them feel safe, secure and confident in the delivery of their presentation. Learn more about what Nicky has to offer or make an enquiry by clicking below.



Nicky’s presentation skills classes were always very popular with staff who always left his seminars with a smile on their face. Nicky has a truly unique training style, whereby he utilises his expertise as a trained actor to create a fun and interactive atmosphere. He offers a very different take on traditional training methods, meaning that his techniques are much memorable than average and are therefore are easily adopted in our day-to-day communication with others, as well as when presenting, of course.

Highly recommended!

Kate Hase